
Buildings Safety Act Hub

18th April 2024

Find out how the Buildings Safety Act 2022 (the “BSA”) is operating in practice and see our Building Safety Act Unit’s analysis of the key issues of which all those in the property market need to be aware.

You can keep track of developments on this page.

Members of Tanfield provide regular seminars on the BSA so please contact Libby Sampson-Shaw if you would like to discuss this further.

We also work with other organisations to provide training.  Andrew Butler KC has put together a BSA online course for those acting for landlords in conjunction with Ian Quayle of IQ Legal Training.



Team: Andrew Butler KC, Timothy Polli KC, Robert Bowker, Piers Harrison, Daniel Dovar, James Fieldsend, Nicola Muir, Adrian Carr, Carl Fain, Sara Jabbari, Katie Gray, Robyn Cunningham, Ceri Edmonds, Hugh Rowan
Expertise: Commercial Landlord & Tenant, Residential Landlord & Tenant, Building Developments & Construction


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