Past Events

Land Registration Update

16th Oct 2014, 17:30 to 19:00

Kerry Bretherton and Robert Bowker will review key principles in the Land Registration Act 2002 and assess recent developments including the Court of Appeal’s recent decision in Gold Harp v McLeod in which Kerry and Rob appeared for the successful respondents and will:

  • review the key concepts of the 2002 Act with references to the 1925 Act where relevant;
  • consider the key concepts including indefeasibility, mistake, fraud, rectification, and retrospective rectification;
  • analyse the key issues arising in Gold Harp v McLeod including the background to the case;
  • discuss issues which are likely to arise in future cases and which have been left open by the Court of Appeal.
Team: Robert Bowker
Expertise: Land Registration (Registered & Unregistered Land)


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